Notice of Band Meeting RESCHEDULED

Due to unforeseen circumstances the Band Meeting will be rescheduled.

Information will be provided later this week for the rescheduled date.

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Notice of temporary office closure March 16, 2020 to March 27, 2020

On behalf of the Council of Wolf Lake First Nation (WLFN), we are committed to promoting the health and wellbeing of our community members and their families.

This notice is providing an update on WLFN’s operations related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to advise on the resulting impacts to community programming.

On Thursday, March 12, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) characterized COVID-19, a new strain of influenza as a pandemic, which means that there is a spread of a new virus worldwide. While the risk of transmission remains low, measures to prevent or slow down transmission are encouraged, such as cancelling or postponing all in-person meetings, events and office closures. Many governments are putting measures into place, including WLFN.

The current steps taken by Wolf Lake First Nation are as follows:

  • Temporary Closure of the Band Office for a two (2) week period effective today, March 16, 2020 to March 27, 2020.

  • All public community events will be rescheduled where possible, some possibly cancelled indefinitely.

  • Temporary Closure of the Algonquin Canoe Company and Camp LaLucarne for a two (2) week period effective today, March 16, 2020 to March 27, 2020.

  • The operations of WLFN will continue as the staff will be working from remote locations (in many cases their homes). Please contact staff by email or by calling the office and leaving a voicemail messages, staff will monitor voicemail and email on a regular basis.

WLFN will continue to monitor, reassess and respond accordingly. We encourage you to check the updates from your local public health offices and you may also find the website listed below.

Additional updates and information will be provided through the WLFN website and social media from time to time. We are working to ensure that all proactive and preventative measures are taken to minimize risks to our community, in particular our Elders, those with chronic illness and those with compromised immune systems.

Chi-Miigwech to everyone for your patience, diligence and understanding during these extremely exceptional and uncommon circumstances.

Please pay close attention to public health information, and stay safe and healthy.

Sincerely, Chief Robinson

Join us for WLFN’s 1st annual community meeting November 26th

Tuesday, November 26th from 5:00pm – 8:00pm 

Dottori Hall, Temiscaming 

Wolf Lake First Nation, please join us as we gather for the first annual community meeting. Leadership will give an overview of the focus for Wolf Lake First Nation for the next year, followed by a presentation of the audit and our programming. 

Let’s gather, learn and share with each other. 

Please click on the button below for more details.