Band Office Address and Hours
Wolf Lake First Nation band offices serve our community members, that live on our Algonquin traditional lands within the Provinces of Québec and Ontario. We have band office locations in both provinces. Feel free to stop in and visit or contact the department your specifically looking for below for assistance. We will be happy to help you.
Wolf Lake First Nation
Main Office, Quebec
5 Riordon ave
PO Box 998, Hunter's Point
Temiscaming, QC J0Z 3R0
Phone: 819-627-3628
Fax: 819-627-1109
Email:Hours: Monday to Thursday - 8:30 to 4:30
Friday - 8:30 to 12:00
Hwy 63 Long Sault Island
PO Box 27
Thorne, ON P0H2J0
Phone: 705-981-0572
Fax: 705-981-0567
Email: info@wolflakefirstnation.comHours: Monday to Thursday - 8:30 to 4:30
Friday - 8:30 to 12:00, closed on statutory holidays
Director general
Martha Polson, ext. 201
Executive Assistant
April McDonald,ext. 209
Lisa Robinson, ext. 200
Councilor/ Health Manager
Sonia Young Ext. 202
Consultations Coordinator
Skylar Viens
David St Denis
Finance Manager
Jennifer Young, ext.203
Jennifer Young is the Accountant Officer for Wolf Lake First Nation, Mahingan Development Corporation, and Anishnabeg Outfitting Inc., including deposits, bank reconciliations, payroll, monthly remittances, record of employment, T4’s, relevé, payables, receivables, budgeting, and bookkeeping.
Membership and Education
Membership Services Coordinator
Ashley Desjardins, ext. 204
Ashley Desjardins is Wolf Lake First Nation’s IRA responsible for processing and distributing membership applications and status cards. She also works in the educational sector, helping Wolf Lake members go to school by providing financial assistance like tuition.
HRD (Human Resource Development)
Wolf Lake First Nation is a member of the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Human Resource Development Commission. The official Mandate of the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Human Resource Development Commission is to promote, encourage, support and advance all human resource development initiatives directed by First Nations in the Province. Through these negotiated agreements Wolf Lake First Nation can provide specialized training programs to members that have the potential to lead to full time employment. (Certain conditions apply). Wolf Lake First Nation also creates employment and training through our many economic development initiatives.
It is understood that most of its activities deal with coordinating and implementing the measures and agreements outlined in its jurisdiction. It also ensures that the government of Canada complies with First Nation obligations. Wolf Lake First Nation can provide specialized training that has the potential to lead to full time employment. (Certain conditions apply).
For further information please contact Carolyn Hunter.
Nanabush Cafe Tourism and Hospitality Services Employment and Training
For several years, WLFN has prioritized long-term economic development strategies to restore cultural and employment connections to traditional Algonquin territory while securing and building on key land assets for the community. Projects to date, include eco-tourism and renewable energy projects, along with improved forest management planning and conservation. If you have an economic development opportunity in mind please contact Chief and Council at the band office.