Click on the link below to learn about the employment details:
Application open for the position of Trust Manager
Click on the button below for more details.
Collecting our personal and family histories as the Anishinaabe ancestors of the Wolf Lake First Nation
Help us collect, record and make known the stories, history and knowledge of our traditional territory. Click on the link below for more details.
Most Recent Job Postings
Click on the following links to find out more information about the following job postings:
Comprehensive Community Planning Coordinator
Economic Development Officer
Family Health Nurse
Employment opportunities for Camp La Lucarne
Click on the link below to view the 4 employment opportunities for Camp La Lucarne”
Statement of the votes
Please click on the link below to see the statement of votes.
Wolf Lake First Nation Polling Notice
Please click on the link below for information regarding the polling notice.
Notice of candidates nomination meeting
Please see the attached regarding the notice of candidates nomination meeting.
Economic Development Officer Posting
Click on the link below to view the job posting for Economic Development Officer.
Job postings
Click on the following links for upcoming job opportunities: