Welcome to the Algonquin Lands and Resources office your gateway to what is happening on Wolf Lake First Nation territory. We are located at 440 Chemin Kipawa, Témiscaming, QC J0Z 3R0
Hours: Monday to Thursday - 8:30 to 4:30
Friday - 8:30 to 12:00
Phone: 819-627-9161
Wolf Lake First Nation Forestry and Land Resources is responsible for managing consultations between our community and the government. We work to ensure that communication lines are open and healthy, especially during discussions concerning various land development projects. Employees at Lands and Resources work closely with chief and council and individual members to ensure development consultations consider all opportunities and community constraints while reflecting the traditional Anishinabeg values of interconnectedness and community governance. Wolf Lake’s Lands and Resources office often collaborates with other bands to make certain the government acknowledges our common Statement of Asserted Rights and Title over territorial matters as recognized by the Canadian constitution. For example, how the Wolf Lake Anishinabeg ancestral lands of Hunter’s Point should be managed in the face of growing modernization and the dispersion of Indigenous families to surrounding areas.
For more information related to consultation please contact:
Director General
Martha Polson Ext. 201
mpolson@wolflakefirstnation.comCultural Coordinator
Naomi Robinson Ext. 206
Sustainable Forest Management Planning
Wolf Lake first Nation forestry program is aimed to harmonize land use activities carried out by members with forestry operational and planning management activities.
The objectives of the program for community participation are:
Harmonize community concerns with annual forestry planning as it affects our rights and title areas
Comply with prescribed deadlines for consultations of designated operational sectors
Resolve forest management activities with activities carried out by members of Wolf Lake
Participate in forest planning activities with government.
Communicate concerns on forest management as early as possible during the forest planning stage.
Monitor the operational measures agreed upon with the Ministry of Natural Resources
Provide assistance to Wolf Lake members looking to build upon the land, confirming that laws are followed and land ownership is taken into consideration.
Provide assistance to Wolf Lake members looking for information on plants and their uses for food and traditional medicines.
For more information contact:
Email: forestry@wolflakefirstnation.com
Protected Areas and Species at Risk
For several years Wolf Lake First Nation has been working in cooperation with the government of Quebec, the Algonquins of Barierre Lake, University of Toronto and Trent University researchers to protect forest areas and species at risk on the territory. We have worked closely with Algonquin elders and language holders in recording important Algonquin traditional knowledge and customary law to provide future ecosystem services in protecting important sites on the territory for biodiversity and nature conservation. To date, WLFN has protected 200 square km of the Maganasipi River canyon that was scheduled for harvest. We Algonquins know this river as Maganasipi – Wolf River because of the valley’s resident wolf population. One of our primary objectives of this project is to learn more about the resident wolf population and discovered with University of Toronto and Trent researchers that the population is highly assigned as the threatened species Algonquin Eastern wolf C. lyacaon under the Federal Species at Risk Act. We are now receiving funding to help protect the species under the Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk.
For more information of Algonquin Protected areas and stewardship activities contact:
Rosanne Van Schie, Lead Researcher and Project Manager at:
Female Algonquin eastern wolf in Maganasibi watershed